Sort of lost interest as we are not doing
much these covid days.
But so very thankful to be healthy.
JUNE 2021
Aunt Roses annual peonies ~ love them
Had some crazy fun with this app on FB
Ordered this cute pillow
I love this
We celebrated Fathers Day
I started to catch up and watch this show.
So glad I did - just love it
JULY 2021
This boy ! Loves when I work from home.
Happy 4th of July
Then we did get to eat our favorite burgers !
Pipers Kilt YUM
My avatar with the boys
My JuJu
I love this map. You blessed to travel so many wonderful
places. More to go ! Lord willing.
From FACING THE GIANTS: Do you remember when Mr. Bridges
told Coach Taylor a story about two farmers who desperately
needed rain? Both farmers prayed for rain but only one went
out and prepared his fields to receive rain.
Which one trusted God?
Which one are you? ~ I for one am preparing my fields. 

This long legged boy just cracks us up !
Then our hearts broke when my sweet Aunt Linda
went to be with our Lord.
Gary and I will miss you dear Aunt Linda.
I always admired you for the brave hard choices you
made in your life. During your illness you were a
shining example of grace. Never did I hear you complain.
You set the bar high for the rest of us.
I will miss your encouraging posts on Facebook
and especially your dinner photos. I love how you prepared
a lovely dinner even if was was just for you.
How to enjoy life each minute.
Thank you for the lovely visits Gary and I had when
we traveled south. I am forever grateful we had those
special memories.
You raised two wonderful Cousins of mine and
left a powerful legacy.
It is not goodbye but see you soon.
We love you 

This crazy boy
And here comes August
Sollies birthday Month
Cutie likes my sciatic pillow hah
Oh my goodness WHITE PEACH time
Love them
So true
Hair cut always feels so good
New glasses
5 more months then I need this shirt HAH
God provides.
Kind neighbor blessed us with freshly grilled chicken cutlets,
hubby is cooking rice and veggies.
Wife is enjoying Facebook. 

Fall baking - banana bread !
Tom take it easy on my Cowboys

You can't give the Tom any chance. UGH
So close. They did far better then the experts predicted.
Proud of my Cowboys. 

Never Forget 911
Trip to City Limits

Then we had some very unsettling news
Judah is diabetic. UGH
Poor boy I am giving him insulin twice a day
Here is little brother comforting him.