YEAH love this month. While I enjoy the lazy days of summer, it is always nice to get back to the routine of life. Back to school, back to schedules. I am an organizational nut so I thrive in the routine of life. I try to be more of a free spirit LOL but I can only stand it for so long hah
I even enjoy the darker nights. Something about coming home from work closing the shades and just snuggling in - great feeling.
Just purchased my favorite Yankee candle Macintosh. Heading this weekend to our local Plant store - have to get some colorful mums.
Even my sweet doggie Solomon seems to be in such a good mood.
He has so much energy with the cooler air. He has been running and jumping like a puppy again. Of course, being 12 he poops himself out rather quickly hah
Thank you Lord for the gift of the seasons . . . blessed FALL !
20 hours ago