Saturday, May 21, 2016

Birthday Number One ~ Sweet Percy

Sweet Percy turned One !

Percy you are a quiet, sweet, gentle soul.
You love love love your Daddy.
You meow and chat with him
You love when he rubs your head.
You love to wake him in the night for kisses.
You drive Mommy crazy because she wants
you to meow to her too : )

You are so patient and always give way
for Judah who is not at all patient hah

He enjoyed his new toys !

We love you Percy !

Ladies Tea - Grace Bible Fellowship

Had a wonderful time at the
Ladies Tea with my GBF family

Kathy Ulrich did her
Women of Influence

She portrays the women
with acting and beautiful music.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day ~ me and my 3 furbabies

Treated my mother-in-law and sister-in-law to
a lunch at MP Taverna.  They gave all the ladies
a lovely peony when we left.  Just happens to
be my favorite flower !

A dear sweet family at church bought bouquets of tulips
for all the ladies. 

It was a beautiful day !

Busy Weekend ~ 1st Communion & Bowling 20

We were invited to Taylor's
1st Communion.

The children were all so cute.
Taylor, Steve & Bonny

Then Chris turned 20 !  I can hardly believe it.

We were invited to a bowling party.

Yes I kicked some bowling butt ! hah
The girl still has it.  112 & 130

And this was about how good Gar did hah
We all had a lot of fun !