Our boys are bonding quite nicely.
It was hard to imagine this day when
we first brought Ara home.
Judah would hiss and growl at him.
So glad it worked out for them and us. 😺
Facebook had a little fun post that I participated in:




Still Together

I have been working hard on my exercise program.
For several weeks the scale never moved.
That was hard to stay the course.
But I persisted and I am starting to see results
13 LBS down since 9/28/2020
Pastor Jordan said this one week:
There is a CROSS in the way
of every CROWN worth wearing.
Attempted selfie with Mr Judah HAH
December 7th
I will never forget when Gary and I visited Pearl Harbor.
Standing on the platform over top of the ship and knowing
the remains of the brave men and women were below
me in the deep.
Something that will stay with me forever

This type of sacrifice has no words.
You have to be very careful ~
look who snuck in and tried to steal
our Christmas 

We were really missing our Christmas Extravaganza
fun stuff we normally do.
Broadway shows
Christmas Tree
So we hopped in the car and figured we
would do drive by of some of the NYC sights
Here is the tree
Even the Lion at the Library is preparing for 2020.
It was strange and sad how empty NYC was.
Praying for the livelihood's of all these folks.
Then I was heart broken to hear of
Charley Prides passing.
He was a part of my childhood.
I remember driving in my Uncle Bills
truck and both of singing along with his CD.
RIP Charley Pride

We went into the thrift store at my in-laws
Armenian church.
I feel in love with these Christmas balls. 💓
A sad day. I lost a dear former coworker and friend
to this horrible virus. Thank you Bob for being such a kind man.
For making me laugh everyday. When I started my job at 18 a
scared insecure young girl it made such a difference to have
supportive coworkers. And you were one of them. Oh that
super messy desk that made me nervous leaving you a note.
You would tell me "NO" to my customer inquiries and make me laugh
Yet you never let me down. We enjoyed talking all about your beautiful
Russian blue cats. And teasing you about driving those corvettes.
Thank you my friend Bob you were one of a kind
and my life was better for it. 

Then we lost sweet Francis
Dearest lady ever. Here she
is in the pink hat with Lyn.
Some one got caught in the act !
Cat bunk beds HAH
I love this photo
Says it all
What to do - What to do with this boy ?
This year I made a Christmas tree with
our cards !
We had some snow!
Oh gosh the trees were beautiful.
Decided to get a little
festive for church today.
Still love my avatar HAH
Stopped by our office to exchange gifts
Our church always looks so beautiful at Christmas.
I look forward to it every year.
Its always consistent and brings comfort. !
I have been doing on line study with
Liz Curtis Higgs and it has been wonderful
Spoiled boys each have their own cat tree now
No more stressing who is on the top
Hubby completely surprised me with
the most beautiful bracelets
This one has my name in
This boy enjoyed his "bird"
See the feather HAH
Judah loved his bee
I made a pot roast in my crock pot
It turned our really delicious
My hope for 2021
I won't bow to idols, I'll stand strong
and worship You
And if it puts me in the fire,
I'll rejoice 'cause You're there too
I won't be formed by feelings,
I hold fast to what is true
If the cross brings transformation
then I'll be crucified with You
'Cause death is just the doorway
into resurrection life
And if I join You in Your suffering,
then I'll join You when You rise
And when You return in glory with
all the angels and the saints
My heart will still be singing,
my song will be the same
Oh! Christ be magnified
Let His praise arise
Christ be magnified in me
Oh! Christ be magnified
From the altar of my life
Christ be magnified in me
New Years Eve
We decided to make an
Armenian Feast
It was so good
I stayed up and had an on line service with our
Pastor Jan and we shared communion.
It was a beautiful way to bring in the new year 2021
Hope in Him ♥