took me to Seasonal World.
Evidently it is a pool company that
fills up the place with all things Christmas
for a few weeks in December.
Got a kick out of this snow-women sporting leopard.
Girl after my own heart hah
My hubby has always wanted a Silver Bullet camper.
Think this will work?
Oh no the door just opened, looks like it already has an owner !
After Seasonal World we headed to Walmart
Found this Salvation Army couple for my village.
Picked up this cute dress for my tree for .99 cents at
Seasonal World. Could not beat the price.
Saw this idea on Pinterest. I just think it is
so simple yet so beautiful.
I picked up a clear glass ball at Walmart for
$1.00 - now to go steal someones pine tree hah

After shopping we picked up a
McDonalds peppermint hot cocoa !
Is was really good!

Finished up with a great meal at
Long Horns. Oh those stuffed baked potato's
are so good.

It was a really fun blessed day !
Thankful for a hubby who doesn't mind
shopping and being on the go.
My hubby doesnt mind shopping either... yay!!!!! Oh and i love Long horm!!!!!!