I love this verse:
You crown the year with your goodness and your paths drip
with abundance. Psalm 65:11 NKJV
The Lord has been faithful in 2011.
His mercies are new every morning.
So thankful for that.
By far the hardest part of this year was losing my sweet Solomon.
Miss him so much.
Love this photo of him laying on my coffee table. LOL
Thanks Auntie for teaching him this one.
Walking through anxiety attacks again was also a challenge.
But through them I have learned so much and was able to
witness and help several ladies who are traveling this road.
2011 started out crazy with so much SNOW !
My goodness I thought we'd never see the green grass again.
But spring always comes. God makes a way!
We were blessed with two vacations this year.
To Hershey Park and to Peachtree City GA.
We were also blessed to see several plays in NYC
Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo with Robin Williams
Very dark, dark story. Language was horrible.
We were taken off guard on this one.
Mary Poppins ( my favorite of them all )
The House of Blue Leaves with Ben Stiller, Edie Falconer
and Jennifer Jason Leigh
Difficult topic. Some very funny scenes.
Born Yesterday with Jim Belushi
Very funny. Fast moving. Really enjoyed this one.
We also traveled out to Lancaster PA to see Ivan Parker,
The Hoppers and Triumphant Quartet.
A great gospel concert.
I went to a Beth Moore simulcast with a group of my lady friends.
It was a blessing. Had so much fun and learned alot.
My Aunt and I got to visit with our dear friends Shelly
and Jim. We sure don't get to see then enough.
They always make us laugh. So good to see them.
The Lord lead me to co-lead a bible study with my friend Lillian.
We did a great study by Lysa TerKeurst
"What Happens When Women Who Say Yes to God".
It was really powerful.
I SO want to be a women who says YES to God.
We saw the movie Courageous with our church family.
It was wonderful.
We also saw The Cross and the Switchblade and The Grace Card.
I really enjoy movie afternoon at church.
A great time to be together and fellowship.
Thankful to Dennis and Cherly who lead this ministry.
Hubby and I went to the movies a few times this year.
I'm sure you will see a theme here hah
We got together with my family for the christening of my great
niece Kailyn. She is precious. So is her big brother Lucas.
Nice to be together it doesn't happen that often.
We also got together with my in-laws to celebrate two birthdays
and three anniversaries in Cold Springs NY.
Hubby and I ended the year with our annual trip to NYC to see the
Rockefeller Center tree, store windows and shops at Bryant Park.
It was warm this year so we really enjoyed it.
Hubby did a great job teaching the children. This year he moved from
1st and 2nd grade to 3rd and 4th grade.
The children did a real nice job with the Christmas play.
I completed my full year as principal of Sunday School.
I serve one or two times a month. It requires paperwork and
I enjoy paperwork, so this job is right up my alley. hah
We also serve together on a ministry at church called
"In His Hands" We provide resources and assistance
to families in our fellowship who are in need.
Part of this ministry is working in the food bank.
Putting away the food.
Checking the expiration dates.
We enjoy serving as a couple.
Thankful my husband and I both kept our jobs over 2011.
We know so many families are struggling.
Hubby works for the State of NJ as an administrative assistance
to the construction official. He is responsible for filing permits
for folks doing work on their homes.
This is a temp job that he has had for 4 years.
God is so faithful to provide.
I work at this company who manufactures fire alarm signals.
I've been with them 29 years.
Praying the Lord will speak to the heart of whoever becomes our next
President and we begin to follow His way in our country again.
We have much to look forward to this new year.
Already so many fun things on the calendar.
This Friday our bible study group is meeting for a Pot Luck supper !
I'm making stuffed mushrooms. It will be a challenge for me.
I have a pretty easy recipe my dear friend Judy sent me from the
show Hungry Girl
Here's hoping mine look like the above photo. HAH
The next night we are having a dinner at church.
Great food, fellowship and fun. Looking forward to all the good cooks.
Next week we are meeting with my in-laws to see - Memphis on Broadway,
Then the in two weeks after that my birthday present from hubby.
Harry Connick Jr YIPPEE -
No hubby didn't actually get me Harry hah
But I do get to see and hear him sing!
I love, love Harry and have been waiting since Oct to see the play.
On January 20th we start a new study at my Aunt's church.
Beth Moore's Esther ! I can't wait. I love doing a Beth study !
My prayer this year is that I live out what I learned in
"What Happens When Women Who Say YES to God".
It is not easy.
My spirit is willing flesh is weak.
Oh thank you Jesus for knowing us so well.
This is my 2012 life verse.
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. I Thess 5:16-18
Or like me prefer a quiet evening at home . . .
Here's to a wonderful blessed 2012 !
The LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. Numbers 6:25