Mr. Judah chatting with the birds 🐦🐦🐦
I love this ladies drawings - so cute
This is where I am trying to remain in my upcoming
retirement and relocation - not easy though
Buddies ~ brothers
New readers
There are moments in life that you never forget.
I shared 3 of those moments with my Mom.
3 hysterical moments. 3 moments that would
not mean a thing to anyone else but 3 moments
that we repeat the stories over and over and they
still bring the kind of I cannot catch my breath laugher.
3 statements that I can say to my Mom and we
go right back. 30 plus years and it is as new as today.
“Hello Frank, Hello Frank, Hello Frank”
Then “Lucano, get the car!” and finally “It’s on Rose."
Mom, these brief moments in time have brought us
such laughter and memories ~ “you had to be there
moments” and I am so thankful we were.
Happy Mothers Day Mom -
Love you Gary and Maryellen 

Getting married at 45, when I was still single
I use to wonder if I would even have a mother-in-law.
But God in His great love gave me the best
mother-in-law I could have asked for.
She was an inspiration. We miss her everyday.
Happy Mothers Day in Heaven Mary Azarian -
I will try to carry your name well 

God restores the years the locust have eaten AMEN
It was a year since we lost our Percy 💓
Just about kills me how he sits with elbow on window sill
Almost same size now
Hides that face from light when he wants to sleep
Happy 🍰 Birthday Ara - 1 year old
Still his favorite place in his Mom's arms
Hubby and I took a quick trip to Lancaster to farmers market
I don't know why but I love hay bales
At first I didn't get this HAH
May we never forget - Memorial Day
“I shall pay my vows to the Lord,
Oh may it be in the presence of all His people.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the
death of His godly ones.” (Psalm 116:14-15)
We remember all of the fallen heroes this
Memorial Day as we honor their lives and
remember their sacrificial service.